Internal Process Software





Porsche Service Plus


2022 / 2023

The Brief

The Volkswagen Group were one of Keko’s main clients and I had the opportunity to work on some of their sub-brands, including Bentley and Porsche where I was leading all of the UX and UI design. At Porsche, the process of servicing a customer's vehicle was managed by a series of internal software systems, and with 46 centres across the UK (including Porsche Service Centres) this meant they were dealing with an outdated ecosystem and lengthy processes at scale. We were therefore asked to look at the design and functionality of the systems, considering the entire offline and online journey in order to improve the overall experience for the customers, and the internal users.

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The Project

The first task was to speak directly to stakeholders and establish where the current system fell short, what improvements were needed and where essential functionality was missing. This was done via a series of interviews and workshops at the service centres, which I was leading. Getting direct access to the end users in this manner helped to establish that a complete redesign of the existing software was needed in order to meet these requirements.

The next step was to focus on the landing page, which showed where a particular vehicle was in the overall service line i.e. in the workshop; in the valet; etc. The previous system required substantial horizontal scrolling in order to view all of the steps in the service journey, which was not a great user experience. I was able to improve this by categorising these into three service groups (Processing, Workshop and Completion), which then allowed the separation of these across three tabs, whilst remaining in the same viewport.

Another challenge was that each job had multiple pages of information for each stage of the service journey, which made it difficult to find information relating to a specific job. This was improved by bringing all of the information into one job page; the content could then be accessed via tabs.

A drag and drop system was introduced so that jobs could easily be moved forward or backward depending on their status in the service line. Accessibility had not been previously considered, but was paramount and so it was important from a visual perspective that as well as differentiating content with colour, this was also supported with iconography where possible.

As much as the improvements made to the internal system would have benefitted Porsche customers, it was also important that this extended through to all customer facing touchpoints.

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My Role

User research and testing

Planning, conducting and analysing stakeholder workshops

Sketching and wireframing

Responsive UI design in Figma

Collaboration with multi-discipline team members

Presenting to internal and client stakeholders

Overseeing build of product

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