Mobile and Watch Health App



The App Business


Wellwatch App



The Brief

Having worked with The App Business on previous successful projects, I was contacted to work on an app for AgeUK – one of their charity clients. The requirement was to create an MVP, targeted to be used by elderly and vulnerable people and would be available on both iPhone and Apple Watch devices. Because of this, accessibility was a high priority in any consideration of the overall user experience.

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The Project

An MVP version of the app was created to monitor the vital statistics and habits of the focus group – this also linked with Apple’s health statistics. These data points were then sent to the user’s phone and watch through the app, and could be monitored by friends and family, as well as a specialised call centre. The app would detect any falls or accidents, a high, low or irregular heart rate, increases or decreases in usual activity, as well as incorporating an SOS button in case of emergency. Accessibility was paramount and we stress tested the scaling of text across devices to ensure the layout made sense and legibility remained.

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My Role

UX and UI design for iPhone app using Sketch

UX and UI design for Apple Watch app using Sketch

Designing an icon set

Creating 'Complication’ images Apple Watch

Animation examples using Principle

Collaboration with multi-discipline team members

Presenting to internal and client stakeholders

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